Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Vanessa's thoughts:

What an exciting time of creative flow I am in. This band has been such
a wonderful teacher for me in a multitude of ways:
*a platform for another expressive outlet.
*a chance to co-create with friends.
*sharing fun and soul music with others.
*opportunities to learn a new technique.

And this is my razor's edge: How to fully enjoy the performing experience
while feeling the angst of limited singing ability.
I've been seeing how my ego has voiced itself out loud saying; what are you doing here?
Who do you think you are? Do you really think you can hold your end of the bargain in the band?
And at the end of the day, after singing, practicing or rehearsing, my heart feels massaged and I am smiling, grateful I had a chance to hear my heart sing.
What a fine dance this is; the question is: Who is leading?

Overall I am totally jazzed about this summer's lineup.
There's an anticipation for the first gig: getting over that hump and the rest will fall in place.

Happy ending note: We all have artists that inspire us. Recently I've been listening to Pandora radio (free internet radio), specifically Lizz Wright station: Nina Simone rocks my soul, tickles my bones and makes me wanna burst out with heart and grace!!!! Thank you Life for bringing her into this world.

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